Shawn Reigsecker, Founder and CEO of Centro

Shawn Reigsecker, Founder and CEO of Centro

Shawn Riegsecker built Centro, #1 place to work in Chicago: Hear how @ Bytes Over Bagels

This week's feature interview is with Shawn Riegsecker, Founder and CEO of Centro. Centro's been voted best place to work in  Chicago Crains for 3 years in a row.  He talks about their culture, how they manage retention, and the personal sacrifices he made to create the company that includes sleeping on the floor in Centro's server room.  

During the interview, we also ask him about the current state of digital advertising and his thoughts on mobile advertising in particular.

This week's music feature is Chicago's own Penthouse Sweets

Bagels are brought to you by Chicago's own: NYC Bagel Deli

Coffee brought to you by Chicago's own: Bow Truss Coffee Roasters

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Music by
Penthouse Sweets
Production credits
John Ostler, Heather Brown, Brett Mackie, Dave Seidler, Steve Polacek, Don Bora
John Ostler, Heather Brown, Brett Mackie, Steve Polacek, Don Bora, Mary Brown, Jessi Chartier, Alex Berkowitz, Diana Masterson, Jordan Polonsky
John Ostler, Heather Brown, Brett Mackie, Steve Polacek, Don Bora, Mary Brown, Jessi Chartier, Alex Berkowitz, Diana Masterson, Jordan Polonsky