Mike McGee, Co-Founder at Starter League

Mike McGee, Co-Founder at Starter League

You have GOT to learn: Mike McGee from The Starter League on Bytes Over Bagels

This week's feature interview is with Mike McGee, Co-Founder at The Starter League. Mike talks about the Starter League's new 9 month program and partnering with CPS to educate the teachers how to teach code in their classroom.  What is The Starter League you ask? Seriously? It's where students and professionals from all over the world come to learn how to code, design, & ship web apps.

This week's music feature is Qwel & Maker

Bagels are brought to you by Chicago's own: NYC Bagel Deli

Coffee brought to you by Chicago's own: Bow Truss Coffee Roasters

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Music by
Qwel & Maker
Production credits
John Ostler, Heather Brown, Brett Mackie, Dave Seidler, Steve Polacek, Don Bora
John Ostler, Heather Brown, Brett Mackie, Steve Polacek, Don Bora, Mary Brown, Jessi Chartier, Alex Berkowitz, Diana Masterson, Jordan Polonsky
John Ostler, Heather Brown, Brett Mackie, Steve Polacek, Don Bora, Mary Brown, Jessi Chartier, Alex Berkowitz, Diana Masterson, Jordan Polonsky