Dr. Theano Kalavana, Cognitive vs Affective Empathy

Dr. Theano Kalavana, Cognitive vs Affective Empathy

Dr. Theano Kalavana - Cognitive vs Affective Empathy

Joining us from Cyprus, Dr Theano Kalavana is a professional development and leadership coach as well as an author. She discusses the differences between cognitive and affective empathy and how they apply to leadership and team communication. To learn more about Dr Kalavana check out her website at mindthreading.com.

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John Ostler, Heather Brown, Brett Mackie, Dave Seidler, Steve Polacek, Don Bora
John Ostler, Heather Brown, Brett Mackie, Steve Polacek, Don Bora, Mary Brown, Jessi Chartier, Alex Berkowitz, Diana Masterson, Jordan Polonsky
John Ostler, Heather Brown, Brett Mackie, Steve Polacek, Don Bora, Mary Brown, Jessi Chartier, Alex Berkowitz, Diana Masterson, Jordan Polonsky