Michael Salvatore, CEO and Owner of Heritage Bicycles

Michael Salvatore, CEO and Owner of Heritage Bicycles

Building a Lifestyle Brand - Custom Bikes, Good Coffee, & Tasty Eats with Mike Salvatore, Owner, Heritage Bicycles

This week's featured interview is with Michael Anthony Salvatore, Owner Heritage Bicycles. Mike knows bikes - he's been building them for years in NYC and now at his shop here in Chicago. He also knows a thing or two about tech and building a Lifestyle Brand. The latter has provided him with a platform to dominate across numerous streams of media in the social web space, physical retail, and online commerce.

This week's music feature is Chicago's own

Best Witches

Today's show is brought to you by:  

Bagels are brought to you by: NYC Bagel Deli
Coffee brought to you by: Bow Truss Coffee Roasters
Adult Beverages brought to you by: Koval Distillery

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Music by
Best Witches
Production credits
John Ostler, Heather Brown, Brett Mackie, Dave Seidler, Steve Polacek, Don Bora
John Ostler, Heather Brown, Brett Mackie, Steve Polacek, Don Bora, Mary Brown, Jessi Chartier, Alex Berkowitz, Diana Masterson, Jordan Polonsky
John Ostler, Heather Brown, Brett Mackie, Steve Polacek, Don Bora, Mary Brown, Jessi Chartier, Alex Berkowitz, Diana Masterson, Jordan Polonsky