Amanda Lannert, CEO of Jellyvision

Amanda Lannert, CEO of Jellyvision

Jellyvision CEO, Amanda Lannert talks the future of interactive on Bytes Over Bagels

This weeks feature interview is with CEO of Jellyvision, Amanda Lannert. She discusses the future of interactive media, talent acquisition and company culture.  We also discuss Marissa Mayer's decision to end work-from-home arrangements at Yahoo, Minuum's new touch keyboard, and Nike FuelBand's partnership with TechStars.

This weeks music feature is from White Mystery

This weeks show is sponsored by: New users use promo code 'bagel13' to get $15 off your first black car service!!

Today's bagels are brought to you by Chicago's own: NYC Bagel Deli

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Apple Podcast Bytes Over BagelsSpotify Podcast Bytes Over Bagels
Music by
White Mystery Band
Production credits
John Ostler, Heather Brown, Brett Mackie, Dave Seidler, Steve Polacek, Don Bora
John Ostler, Heather Brown, Brett Mackie, Steve Polacek, Don Bora, Mary Brown, Jessi Chartier, Alex Berkowitz, Diana Masterson, Jordan Polonsky
John Ostler, Heather Brown, Brett Mackie, Steve Polacek, Don Bora, Mary Brown, Jessi Chartier, Alex Berkowitz, Diana Masterson, Jordan Polonsky